Seminole Clinic
Location & Office Hours
704 Hobbs Hwy
Seminole, TX 79360
Phone: 432-955-1021
Monday-Friday, 8:00am-5:00pm
(closed for lunch from 12:00pm-1:00pm)
South Plains Public Health District provides public and environmental health services for Gaines County, Texas. Our health clinic for Gaines County is located in Seminole.
Walk-ins are welcome, although some services require an appointment. Interpreters are available – you are not required to provide your own.
Late Clinic
First Monday of the month: 8-6 (not closed for lunch)
First Tuesday after above Monday: 7-6 (not closed for lunch)
- Some services are free (contact us for details)
- Some services are based on a person’s income (sliding scale)
- Medicaid is accepted for some services
- No one is refused services for inability to pay
(arrangements can be made for payment)

Seminole Health Clinic Services
Acute Care
Thyroid Dysfunction
Well Woman Care
Children under 18 years
Birth Control
Pap Smears
Pregnancy Testing
Sexually Transmitted Infections
Education / Counseling
SPPHD cooperates with Department of State Health Services
on investigations of active cases.
Speakers for schools, parent groups, churches and civic
Audio Visuals
Seminole Clinic Staff
Zach Holbrooks, MA, RS, DR
Public Health Director
Executive Director
Nancy Loewen
Eligibility & Screening Clerk
Soronya Shafer, RN
Director of Clinical Services
Cynthia Hunt, WHNP
Nurse Practitioner
Maria Luna
Eligibility & Screening Clerk
Beth Lambert, LVN
Clinic Nurse
Environmental Services
- Inspection of properly permitted and installed On-Site Sewage Facilities.
- Investigation of septic system complaints.
- Enforcement of On-Site Sewage Facility Rules up to and including prosecution of violators.
- Inspection of public health nuisance complaints.
- Inspection and regulation of food service establishments.
- Education for food handlers to prevent food borne illness.
- Premise and health inspections of day care centers, foster homes, school cafeterias and any childcare facility requesting an on-site inspection.
Referrals to proper agencies are made if anyone has problems or complaints that are not under the local health district’s jurisdiction.
Emergency Preparedness Planning
Work with County Emergency Management to prepare for disaster, whether man-made or natural.